And finally I can report some exciting news...
1. we bought another house and it settles tomorrow!!
2. our current house is now for sale!
My poor boyfriend has worked like a trooper for the last two weeks to finish our house... so its been very busy here for a few weeks! Now its all done, its been on the market since Friday, so now we just have to wait and see what happens.
The new place settles tomorrow, so we can gradually move our stuff over and take our time. The new house is a 3 level split level, and needs renovating - which is exactly what we wanted. And its on 1600m2, so lots of room for the puppies!
Anyway, my weekend - we pretty much spent Friday night and Saturday morning sorting out the kitchen, cleaning etc, getting ready for being on the market. We had a VERY interested person come through on Saturday afternoon... fingers crossed!
Caught up with some friends for dinner on Saturday night, I had a free meal and it was horrible. Beer battered fish - I only ate half of it, and I felt like I had my oil quota for the month... gross!
This morning at 1.30am someone kept ringing BF's mobile... over and over. GRRR After the 3rd time BF got up to answer it - and it was some drunk guy with the wrong phone number. So we're feeling a little tired and emotionally drained today, what with all the stress of buying AND selling a house!
BUT I am pleased to report that I've been extra conscious of drinking water this weekend, and I've been really good with my food - see what a little awareness does!! Today the meals are a bit out of sync though - because I slept in til 8.30am, then got up and took the dogs for a walk, so I didn't get breakfast until nearly 10am! Ooops!
Hope everyone has had a fabulous weekend!