Eeek I'm battling some huge hormonal cravings and mood swings this week! Yesterday I got sooo hungry after lunch that I had to bring the next two meals forward. Found a little easter egg chocolate in my desk drawer at work the other day, and wouldn't you know it, it made its way into my tummy this afternoon. aaaaggggghhhhrrrr! Naughty naughty me! Apart from this I have been doing well this week.
Trained back and biceps on Tuesday, felt good because I increased some of my weights and felt pretty strong. I still feel like I'm lifting 'baby weights' sometimes and I want to lift heavier! I always lift to failure, but sometimes it feels like my progress is agonisingly slow! I know that everyone is different, and what's heavy for me may be fairly easy for someone else (and vice versa) but I want to be stronger!!!! Patience, patience!!!
This morning was freezing again - 5 degrees! Thats just a prelude for next week when I go to Melbourne. Then I'll know what winter is all about. This morning before 7am I went out to the garden to water our 25 new plants (in my still-damp gym clothes), and when I came in I felt like my hands had frostbite - they felt like chunks of ice! lol! And its not even winter yet!!!!
Yesterday I had coffee with Rae and Jadey before Rae left to go home. It was so lovely to get a bit of time to catch up with them away from all the excitement of the comp. Tried to get a couple of photos but unfortunately my camera batteries kept going flat... grrrrrr!!!!! Rae had to take a photo with her phone. Both Rae and Jadey are absolutely gorgeous girls, and as lovely as I thought they would be!!!! I'm so happy that I got to spend a little time with them before Rae left, and hopefully Jadey and I can catch up more often, now that we know each other!
Anyway, time for me to start dinner I guess!
Other people and things can stop you temporarily. You're the only one who can do it permanently. Zig Ziglar