Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Found 'em

Ahhh THAT's where my muscles are!!  I have found them again this week - I knew they were still there somewhere!  We had a public holiday yesterday, and I did the sensible thing and DIDNT take a public holiday from training and nutrition.  I did have a good sleep in though... niiiiiice!  Slept in til about 8, then got to the gym for opening time of 9am.  Did a fantastic leg session - I had my heart rate up to 170bpm during smith machine lunges, and had the wonderful sensation of trying to hold back from puking between sets.  After my second set I almost blacked out I think, well everything went a little dark for a second or two, and I felt dizzy.  Prolly went a bit too hard do you think????? :-)~

So after my nausea subsided I finished up legs and followed it up with 25 jelly-leg minutes on the cross trainer, and 20 mins incline walking, just to get the blood moving in my legs again.

I slept like shite last night for some reason, I think it was the fact that I kept hearing the rain on the roof... such a strange sound after so long!  Plus I could really feel the leg DOMS developing every time I rolled over... ouch.  I hit the snooze button I dont know how many times this morning, managed to drag my sorry butt out of bed - and made it to gym only 10 minutes late.  Did a pretty good chest/tricep workout too, considering I'm operating on 4 hours sleep!  I cant believe how quickly my strength has disappeared - I dropped everything back a couple of kilos, and really struggled to make the reps.  Still, I'm loving being able to feel it again!

I ended up having my ribs on Saturday night, and unfortunately they were a bit of a let down.   Actually it was the restaraunt service that let it down - it was like there was a bunch of 16 year olds running the restaraunt... I kid you not.  They ran out of clean glasses, I saw the "chefs" mucking about and downing shots of sherbert in the kitchen, and one of our friends saw one of them pretending to blow snot on somebody's food.... eeeewwwww... think I might think twice before eating there again.

Anyway, had another eye check up today in the city and its looking good - my vision has even improved a teeny bit since last time!  We're all set and on track for my left eye next Monday!

Til next time - train hard and be happy :-)


Em said...

Good on you hun for pushing yourself so hard! You got to break 'em down to build 'em up!
I rerckon after all the DOMS subside you legs will thank you for the thrashing they recieved :)
Hope all goes well with your left eye hun and hope you get more sleep :)
The noise of the rain is very unusual but definantly a welcomed noise at night these days!

Jaime-lee said...

aaawwwww noooo isnt that the worse! when you get excited about going and eating good food out and the service/food disappoints! DAMN IT! I here you say, oh well you shall never return, there loss!

Great training sesh there Hil! well done x

Janew said...

Hi Hilary,Excellent workout hon.! Nothing better then smashing it at the gym hey!
Bummer about the food,I hate when that happens.Also hate terrible service, there's nothing worse when your paying for a service and you dont get any :-/
Well I hope all goes well with your eye.
Take care janexo

Sam D-M said...

I love training on public holidays... I often imagine my whole life just waking up about 8ish.... breakky, gym, home, shower, lunch...... you get the picture!! A perfect way to spend the morning :)


Bec said...

Hi Hilary,

I am so glad that you have found your muscles again!!! Yay!!! You are so motivating, always very focuseed and determined.

I am also pleased to hear that your eye sight is getting better. Once the other is done you will be a whole new Hilary. There will be no stopping you :)

Have a lovely weekend.

SeLiNa said...

all the best for Monday hils!
Will be thinking of you again :)

Ali said...

You must be pleased as to be able to get back into your training Hils!!

I train legs today after a break, ouch I can already feel it :)

Hpe you are having a good weekend and good luck tomorrow


Sue Heintze said...

Sounds like you got that leg training all figured out! Great work!