Thursday, March 29, 2007

Not much to report!

I'm feeling great at the moment - feeling strong, training hard, eating clean!   My goals this week were to eat clean all week, not miss a training session and to drink all my water.  I've well and truly achieved that this week, so I'm feeling good.  I did a great leg session on Monday, increased some of my weights and I was really pulling out some fantastic grunts and grimmaces, but was a bit disappointed not to get much lower body DOMS.   It was only the second time of doing that programme too :(  Weird.

Tuesday I did a different back and chest session, and BOY am I feeling it!  My chest is tender to the touch, and my lats are hammered! :))  I did Body Attack this morning and had a bit of trouble raising my arms in the air!  You feel like a bit of a gumby when you cant raise your arms over your head... especially with all those bloody jumping jacks - its like "ouch - clap - ouch - clap..."  hehehe

I went to the dentist this week for my 6 monthly checkup - and was told that I need to have my 3 remaining wisdom teeth out... boohoo!  The good news is that the roots arent embedded or anything so I can have them out in the dentist chair so at least I wont have to take out a second mortgage.  The bad news is that I HAVE TO HAVE MY WISDOM TEETH OUT.  Groan... Probably going to wait until after my eye op is done though - whenever the hell that might be.

And I'm off to Melbourne on Sunday night for a two day training course.  I dont think there will be any time for shopping unfortunately, but it will be nice to be the one who gets trained for a change, instead of ME being the one who conducts the training.   Then only two days at my office and then it will be Easter!  Woohoo!

Here's to a strong Friday and a great weekend!


Janew said...

Hello :) thats awesome that you have been strong with training and nutrition!Keep up the great work hon.!!
Hope you have a great weekend, training in Melb, and all things that you have planned!

jane xo

Maraina said...

Great post!... Love it. Keep up the good work. Enjoy Melbourne!

Maraina :-)

SeLiNa said...

Good hils, glad to see you back up there and feeling positive again. I love how you always set little weekly goals :) LoL at the grunts and grimaces but damn about no doms. I HATE it when that happens, but I guess our bodies are just too smart sometimes.
I don't know how you could sit in the chair and get your wisdom teeth out, you're braver than me. HOpe it's later rather than sooner for you!!!

RaeC said...

Hehehe... I laughed when you were blogging about grunting and grimacing... I relate to that girl!! People can always hear what corner of the gym I am in and when Coach is watching me train and I'm pulling what he calls my "War face", I'll finish my reps and say "Did I look pwetty???" and he just cracks up and says "Yeah... REAL pretty!!"

Sounds like you've had some awesome training sessions hon!! Go Hillary!!

As for the wisdom teeth, my dentist keeps telling me I have to have mine out, but there's always an excuse I find as to why I can't just yet ;o)

Keep up the great training and eating hon xxx

LizN said...

Hope you enjoy your trip Hilary! Hope you get pampered a teeny bit ;)

Liz ;)

jodie said...

Wisdom teeth suck. Why the heck do they call them wisdom, nothing wise about teeth we just have to pull out and suffer with pain. Hope Melbourne went well.

Michelle said...

Getting my wisdom teeth out hurt more than "adopting the twins"..

Hope your goes a bit better for you!!

Xx - Michelle

Splice said...

Wisdom teeth? I don't have any. Why is that? ;-)

Kelly said...

Good luck with your wisdom teeth, I'm with Deb... they never grew!
Have a great Easter.