Saturday, November 01, 2008

Check out the shiner...

Isn't she a beauty!!!

This is my knee this morning, after I took a rather embarrasing stumble at work on Thursday. I was out at a customers site, walking back to the car. My (male) boss was walking behind me, and there were two tradies sitting having smoko - they had a front row seat for my spectacular stack!

I slipped on the driveway (no it wasn't wet, I'm just a klutz) and went sprawling... ended up looking like a bit of a contortionist but managed to land rather heavily on my right knee cap - ouch.

Of course I got straight up and started laughing it off - "oh THAT?? Naaaaah- doesn't hurt a bit! Dont be silly, I'm fine, REALLY!" and started limping to the car.

All the while my knee is screaming and felt like it was burning. SHAME. So embarrassed! I've been using Arnica to bring out the bruising, and its starting to go a little yellow around the edges already, so thats good.

This afternoon I'm having another massage - cant wait. Hoping she can really get into my shoulder and loosen it up some more, and also I'm suffering DOMS all over from a super effort at the gym this week. Cant wait to see a little more arm definition come back, I've missed it.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend everyone!


Em said...

Oh you poor thing, I am very accident prone too I trip over my own shadow lol.
I hope you had a lovely massage and feel all loose and free :)

Have a great weekend :)


Anonymous said...

Anica's a great product so it should be healed in no time, fingers crossed. I used it before during and after my breast augmentation so I know it works Hilary.

Lia xxx

Splice said...

That is so nasty looking, it screams "agony"!! Your a brave girl.
Hope it heals quickly.
Debs x

Kristy said...

Ouch! Hoe its feeling better soon

Miss Positive said...

There's a few of us "klutz's" around Em, glad I'm not the only one!

Thanks Lia, Arnica's great isn't it, especially for someone like me who bruises easily!

Thanks Deb, its not too bad now - looks worse than it feels I think!

Thanks Kristy!

Hilary xx

RaeC said...

Ouchie!! That looks sore. Don't worry on, there are plenty of us klutz's around. I've just about mastered the art of turning a trip into a looking like I am breaking into a run... LOL!! Hope it heals quickly xxx

Anonymous said...

impressive bruise, hope it heals quickly for you

SeLiNa said...

Hope its feeling better now!
I like bruises that you've earnt - but only the ones that look heaps worse than they felt ;) So I feel tough! lol

Miss Positive said...

Rae that is too funny! I obviously need a little more practice at looking like I meant it!

Thanks Cat, its almost gone now.

I know what you mean Selina, if only I'd earnt this one in a tough way, instead of an embarrassing one!

Hilary xx

healthy ashley said...

Ow! I hope it feels better soon. Good job on playing cool in front of the guys :)