Well what a difference a week makes! This week has been fantastic and I'm feeling great. Moody?? Nah - not me!! That is all behind me now and I've really focused my energies this week on good clean eating, and good hard exercise. 3 weights workouts, 6 cardio sessions and 1 yoga session all done this week! We took the dogs for a long walk yesterday morning and it was just glorious - perfect weather, good company (OH and the dogs!) - life is good!
I had a delicious meal last night - satay chicken skewers with salad - yum! Add a glass of wine and I was a happy little vegemite. Today's focus is drinking my 3 litres of water, I always forget to drink on weekends.
I'm having a rest day today, my whole lower body is aching, from lower back all the way down to the arches in my foot. I think this is because I spent 6 hours in the car on Friday... I'm due for a chiro adjustment this week, so hopefully he'll sort me out. I feel like I need to be "un-kinked"!

This is my favourtie pic of our Alaskan Malamute, Shavez. I want to get this photo blown up and framed, I just think it captures his personality perfectly.
Have a fantastic week everyone!