Hello my poor neglected blog, are you still there?? I seriously don’t know where the time goes these days!
We’ve got about 7 weeks to go until we meet the newest family member, and the countdown has begun in earnest! Cannot WAIT for this pregnancy to be over!
The whinging has started MUCH earlier with this pregnancy :)
Seems like my coping abilities are declining with age maybe? Anyway, I’m certainly not breezing through this pregnancy like I did last time. My knuckles started to swell weeks ago, so I’ve had to move my wedding and engagement ring to my little finger so that they don’t get stuck like they did last time.
I’ve also just this week started to notice some slight swelling in my feet – here comes the “sausage toes” look, just in time for summer – hooray! :)
I think the main reason for the lack of coping is having a child approaching the terrible twos!! I love my child to death, but seriously she is learning how to push all my buttons lately.
Is it normal for a child of this age-group to NOT CARE if they get into trouble? I mean, everything is like water off a ducks back to this kid. Cheeky? Oh yeah, with a capital “C”. She doesn’t care if she gets yelled/roared at, privileges removed, bedtime story withheld, nothing else to eat if she doesn't eat dinner, smacks on the bum or anything. Just doesn’t care - everything is funny to her.
Last night she decided that she’d had enough of her dinner, and started squirming in her high-chair, twisting around, and then standing up in it. After being asked a couple of times to sit down, daddy ROARED at her to sit down. Which she did. She hung her head for about 5 seconds, then glared at him and gave him the evil eye for 5 seconds, and then proceeded to chuckle and giggle at him!
To which we both had to turn our heads and cover our faces so she wouldn’t see us cracking up laughing! But she saw us laughing anyway, and it just reinforced to her that getting into trouble is funny!! How do you deal with that? Its SO hard not to laugh!
I suppose the good thing is that she doesn’t sulk, ever. She gets over things in the blink of an eye. Its hard to stay mad with her for long because she herself just ‘gets on with it’.
She hasn’t really had many tantrums yet – her big thing is if she decides she doesn’t want to walk where I want her to go, she just lies down – wherever she happens to be – in the shops, on the driveway, in a carpark etc. She just lies down and looks at me as if to say “ha-ha – come get me!” So I then pick her up, drag her by the arm or whatever – I try to make her walk if I can, since my back isn’t coping with carrying her much anymore. I’m fast running out of energy, especially with a huge pregnant belly as well.
Negotiations don’t really work either, so sometimes I just give in because I really don’t have the energy or the patience to fight with her anymore. Toddlers really are exhausting little people!
It certainly is a most challenging time! I don't think I coped very well with it cos I tended to meet opposition head on- they always 'win'! Our son ( now with 3 little girls) seems to cope with it much better. They seem to distract or divert rather than try to change the behaviour. I'm really impressed at how they deal with this- not sure I could have done the same! Good luck!
Ahhhh Hils, I was shattered and over it alot earlier with Archie but put it down to haveing a bub that went from 4 months to 12 months whilst I went from 1-9 months pregnant. HARD WORK!
Your doing well, not long now. xxxxxx
Thanks Linda - yes they are challenging little people aren't they? I might have to try a bit more distraction/diversion - if my patience lasts that long!
Yes Shar, you certainly had it a LOT harder than most of us - I seriously think you deserve a medal for going through that!!
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