Friday, May 06, 2011

Long time no blog

Long time no post - AGAIN!

Its been so long I'm not even sure where to start! 

Skye is now doing just one day nap, and has settled in pretty well now - usually sleeping around 1.5 hours over lunchtime.  Unfortunately this has meant that its more difficult staying caught up with my day-job work, as well as my IBO work.  I went through a bit of a rough patch a few weeks ago, where instead of getting up early to train, I was getting up early to work because I just wasn't getting enough done during the day.

I had a bit of a meltdown the other week, because I was also trying to get our BAS sorted (which took me a week - it was more complicated this time due to a recent vehicle purchase and sale) and other MYOB stuff which I find quite confusing at times.  I am fairly new to MYOB (or bookkeeping of any kind) and I have a very limited understanding of accounting, so trying to run the business on my own in MYOB (with the guidance of our accountant) has been a bit of a nightmare!  I have to keep asking stupid questions, and I KNOW they are stupid questions, but sometimes I just dont understand!

My little munchkin is growing up WAY too fast - 16 months now and she is just a joy.  I love how she runs up to me now, climbs onto my lap and throws her arms around my neck and SQUEEEEZES a big hug.  She makes us laugh every day.  This is a beautiful age - she's too young for tantrums yet (although she's tried a couple) and she hasn't realised that she can disobey me yet!! 

Piggy tails!

 Climbing the slippery slide

 LOVES her swing-set!

We had a nice, relaxing Easter break - it was nice to just have some family time with just the 3 of us.  Skye also had her first ever taste of chocolate.  She bit straight through the foil of a 17g egg (about the size of a chicken egg) and after we unwrapped it, she ended up eating about half of it.   Here's a photo of the first taste...
 Easter - her first ever taste of chocolate....

...and the after-effects!

The sugar-rush lasted for a while afterwards - with her running around the house yelling "Yippee!!  Yippee!!" LOL!

We also had a morning trip up to Tamborine, and went for a bit of a bushwalk.  She did pretty well and walked for about 1/3 of it on her own, before cracking it and having to be carried!

Anyway its taken me all day to write this post (!!) so I'll sign off now and go enjoy my Friday night! 


Kristy said...

You sound so happy Hilary, it is a joy to read!

Shar said...

Skye is such a cutie!!!

Freddy is 14 and a bit months and i too love this age, they do something new ever day dont they.

Shame your work time has been cut, maybe plan your week ahead so you do two mornngs of early working but keep the others for your workouts?


Magda said...

Welcome back Hilary. I was wondering how you were going.

Gillian said...

Skye is so cute!! Enjoy every moment because it seriously goes so fast. My baby girl is about to turn 21 and I don't where the time went!!