This weekend we had the first casualty from Cyclone Skye - the laptop power cable is now mysterioulsy broken and the laptop wont charge. We've had to send it away to the manufacturer to be fixed - we only got it in June!!
I have to say, I never realised that having a child would be so much fun! I'm just so so so in love with our little munchkin. She has me in stitches 10 times a day, she's so funny! I love the little 'words' she comes out with - the latest 'words' being repeated over and over is "pitch-oom, pitch-oom, pitch-oom" - endlessly... no idea what she thinks she's saying, but she says it with such determination, and she thinks that shes hilarious!
I'm trying to really appreciate the here and now - I'm perfectly aware that it wont be long before she's having tantrums, saying "NO"! constantly and being a right little monster. But for now, she pretty much does what I want her to and thinks I'm the greatest, she cant talk back yet, and hasn't really figured out that she can assert her own authority yet! (Except when I'm trying to change her nappy - there is no keeping her still, the second the nappy is off, she's away! Its extremely difficult to change her bum these days, I just wish she'd stay still long enough!)
Its so lovely to have someone idolise you so much, its so hard to imagine that one day she'll be rolling her eyes at me when she's a teenager!
She's been crawling and pulling herself up for a few months now, but in the last week she's started to let go of things and can stand without holding onto anything for a few seconds. I think the problem is that she's more interested in jumping up and down than actually walking at the moment!
A few picture updates. After seeing a few fellow bloggers, and Facebook friends using the iphone Hipstamatic app, I decided to get it myself and have a bit of a play... and I'm LOVING it!
Here's a few that I've taken recently:

So I took a quick photo, and THEN told her off! LOL!

Helping mummy with the vacuuming - bet she wont be doing this as a teenager either! She LOVES the vacuum - she follows me around the house, not afraid of the noise at all. She seems quite fascinated by it.