Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Update and Merry Christmas!
One drawback of my lovely treadmill has been the return of plantar fasciitis. I used to suffer from this before I was pregnant - I think it came about from wearing sky-high-heels every day to work, coupled with running, and having high arches. Anyway, it went away while I was pregnant and I haven't thought about it much since. I thought that pregnancy had cured it! But I started jogging regularly again, and within 24 hours of that first treadmill jog, I was waking up with heel pain and a burning sensation in my arch on my right foot.
I kept up the jogging for a few days, but when I started waking up in the middle of the night with foot and toe cramps, well I had to tone it back a bit. So its been powerwalking and incline walking + foot strapping for me since then. I'm going to see the podiatrist tomorrow so hopefully we can get it treated, get some custom orthotics and (fingers crossed) I'll be able to jog again!
Anyway, we are VERY much looking forward to our little munchkins first Christmas, and her first birthday next Thursday! I cant believe my little girl is almost ONE! Obvioulsy she hasn't a clue whats going on, and everyone else is looking forward to just watching her face on Christmas morning :) and watch her play with the wrapping paper instead of the presents lol. She has a cute little outfit to wear on Christmas day too of course!
Its hubbys' birthday today, so she can help daddy open his presents tonight and help him blow out the candle on his cake - good practice for next week!
December for our families brings many, many birthdays. We have a total of 8 birthdays in December, accross 2 families - as well as mum and dads anniversary, plus Christmas... busy time of year! Anyway...
Wishing you all a lovely Christmas - hope Santa visits you all and everyone enjoys some relaxing time with family and friends! Bye for now!
Thursday, December 09, 2010
My new treadmill

The treadmill was in aid of cheering me up - well, in giving me the "tools" to cheer myself up. I've been feeling very... um... FLAT... lately. Quite down on myself - struggling to find ANY "me" time at all these days.
While working part-time from home is awesome, it does take some getting used to. I've been feeling a bit daggy because I can be working while wearing my slippers, or with wet hair and no make-up. Or hair not done (can you call pulling your hair into a rough, unbrushed ponytail "done"?). It takes some effort to make an effort!
I also have to make an effort to eat, because I often cant be bothered! I always thought it would be great to be home at lunchtime because you could eat "whatever you wanted". But the reality seems to be that you just dont bother, or pick at whatever your child doesn't eat. Or when I take Skye out when she wakes up, typically I get her food organised to take with us, but completely forget about myself! So by the time I get home I'm starving...
So for the last two weeks I've been super organised - cooking up big batches of things on weekends so that I've got meals ready for the week - just like I did when I was working full time.
I've also been using the new treadmill almost every day - slowly building up the fitness levels again! I've been getting up at 5am to fit my training in - although yesterday after doing some weights, I only got 5 mins done on the treadmill before Skye decided that 5.45am was the time to wake up... bugger!
Anyway - other stuff - I'm really looking forward to Christmas this year! Last year we cancelled Christmas, since I was 9 months pregnant and just over everything LOL! So we are making up for it this year - BIG TIME! We're hosting lunch this year - both hubbys family and mine are coming. No doubt Skye will be getting spoiled rotten (even though we all said we wouldn't!). I went and collected Skye's Christmas layby on Wednesday - I did the layby back in July I think, so I had completely forgotten what I'd bought!
For the last few weeks I've been mentally planning the Christmas meal - I'm going to do a glazed ham this year (never done one before), plus a roast beef I think. Also having roast spuds, maple glazed roast sweet potato, individual stuffing balls, and green vege. Dessert might be a macadamia and white chocolate Ice Cream cake... haven't decided yet! (Both our families are English, so we like the traditional dinner, as opposed to the cold seafood buffet, or BBQ etc)
Ok - enough about food! Have a great weekend everyone!