My extremely amateurish, first-time attempt at working with fondant.
Something about a one year anniversary, more than any other, makes you reminisce about the 364 days that have passed since that time. Makes you exclaim loudly about how fast the years seem to be flashing by. Makes you ever more conscious about the dreaded passing of time.
One year ago, on that day, I waited not-so-patiently for our new little life to enter the world.
And he entered it with a bang. Well, a 3 hour bang, anyway. Which, I might add, is highly preferable to the drawn out 14 hour agony of my daughters arrival.
When I was kid, birthdays were obviously all about me. It was a special day for ME, because it was MY day. On this day, I was born, so give me presents and my favourite dinner please. I never thought about the fact that being born actually involved my mother and father in some way. Perhaps selfishly I never stopped to consider that a birthday is actually a celebration for THEM too, a very special moment in time that you share with those very important beings in your life. The day that you met your mother (and probably your father) for the very first time. A day of new life, of joy, of tears of happiness and hope. Not just a day for presents and cake.
Having children of my own has made me understand just how special that day is. Its your BIRTH day. An important, and possibly emotional day for mums and dads too.
(Right, waffle over.)
A few moments from last weekend:
Saturday, being the 1st of December, meant we could put up the Christmas tree (because, ya know, you mustnt put it up before then or the world will end hehe ;) ).
We passed the Santa hat around and all got in the Christmas spirit. Nevermind that Koby removes ANY headwear in 5 seconds flat. I managed to snap a photo with it still on though, bonus points to me!
And, um, put a camera in front of this kid, and its pose-city...
Take a photot of ME mummy! ...
Saturday night, kids in bed, hubby and I decided to have a couple of drinkies. And a few drinkies became a few too many drinkies. And so I made the birthday cake in my inebriated state, and it ended up a bit of a disaster. Think: not remembering if you put all the correct ingredients in or not.
It wasn't a birthday cake, it was a pancake.
But it still tasted fine, so I let it be. Plus, 45 mins of fondant-fiddling meant that I didn't really have time for a re-do.
I will also say this: A one year old has absolutely zero concept of a birthday, presents, toys, parties etc. We presented him with his gifts and Skye decided to show him how it was done, because he pretty much had no clue.
The new flip-out lounge was a hit. Amongst all his new toys, this ranks high among the favourties.
Boys toys. Helicopter, Police car, Wiggles Guitar. All kinds of awesomeness right there.
Awww, my little man, sticking his fingers all over the fondant that I slaved over so it looked perfect. Precious.
Big sis, helping little bro eat his caramel mud cake.
Cake. Me likey. More, please.
And so another week rolls past, and we are on the downhill slide to Christmas. How are you going, are you ready? I've still got 4 more birthdays, plus a kids birthday party to organise and host before we get to Christmas day, so I can categorically say: